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Lions Clubs International

We're proud to be a chartered member of Lions Clubs International, the biggest service organisation in the world!


Who are Lions International?

Lions International was formed in 1917 by a Chicago business leader, Melvin Jones, who wondered what would happen if people put their talents to work. 

The association is made up of 1.4 million members in 49,000 clubs who bring hands and hearts to the communities we serve in nearly every country on earth. Our Lions and Leos help hundreds of millions of people every year. 


What do Lions International do, How do they help?

Lions International have made it their mission to empower Lions clubs, volunteers and partners from around the globe to improve health and wellbeing, strengthen communities, and support those in need through humanitarian service and grants that impact lives globally, and encourage peace and international understanding. 




Our work tells a story

Behind every project that a Lions club takes on, there’s a story to be told. These are stories filled with challenges, hope and the joy of serving others. LION Magazine brings those stories to life so we can inspire the world through the power of service.  

More about Lions International

The Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF)

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